E.ON Head Office
A Tailored Combination of E.ON Landmark, Efficiency and Green Building
Lilienthalstraße, RegensburgYear built:2011
Floor area:30,600 sqm
Plot size:16,400 sqm
Investment volume:€72.5m
Principal:FAY Projekt Nr. 109 GmbH & Co. KG
Architect:apa Arge Planung Architektur, Heidelberg
Joint Venture Partner:Real I.S. AG
In late 2011, E.ON Bayern AG relocated eleven branches of E.ON Group to its new headquarters in Regensburg. Around 1,000 employees have been working out of the complex on Lilienthalstrasse on the western edge of Regensburg. Merging the sites enabled the company to optimise a number of work and management processes.
The idea was to develop a building that is both highly recognisable and associable with E.ON Bayern AG. Another requirement was to make the scheme flexible enough to permit third-party use options once the lease of E.ON expires in fifteen years’ time.
A high workplace quality is achieved through bespoke single-office arrangements, large inner courtyards to admit daylight into the rooms, and a comprehensive air conditioning including humidification.
The building represents the state-of-the-art in terms of floor space efficiency and operating cost effectiveness, and was certified “DGNB Platinum.”
Project Updates
9. October 2012Projekt „E.ON Regensburg“ von Real I.S. und Fay Projects erhält DGNB-Zertifikat in Gold
München, 09. Oktober 2012 – Die E.ON-Hauptverwaltung in Regensburg hat das DGNB-Zertifikat in Gold erhalten. Dies teilten die beteiligten Partner Real I.S., Fay Projects und E.ON Bayern anlässlich der Verlei-hung am Dienstag auf der Immobilienmesse Expo Real in München mit.